April 27, 2008

The little things...

What fun it is to delight in the little things, the simple things that bring so much joy! We could not have imagined how incredible it would be to be parents. We absolutely love it! Sam is a source of laughter and entertainment for us. Each morning when we hear him waking up, Scott and I race in his room. When we roll him over, he rubs his eyes, looks up at us, then grins as if to say "Good Morning". Neither of us want to miss that part of our day. Bath time has become fun as Sam splashes the water with his fists. His smiles are contagious. I love the way you can cup his little bottom in your hand when he's sleeping. It's funny to watch him jump in his Johnny Jumper because he looks back at you as if to say, "Check me out, look what I can do!" You have to laugh even when the gross mishaps happen... Like this morning, for example, Sam decided to work on his diaper during his first feeding. He was really hot, so I took his pj's off. That was a mistake, needless to say. I ended up with you-know-what all over my pajama pants. Good thing I was not already dressed for church. Those pants will never be the same!

More Visitors

Sky Pratt, Scott and I's college pastor from Athens, was up in Wake Forest for a conference. We were fortunate enough to snag a few minutes for a visit. It was great to get caught up on how is family is doing and how his ministry is going. It just seems like yesterday that Scott and I were stuck in our closet of an office as college interns for Sky. He was hilarious to watch as he interacted with Sam.

Scott's sister, Stacy, and her family came for a quick visit to see our little world here in Raleigh. Here is Sam with his cousins, Davis and Sarah Kate. Sarah Kate was all about Sam--she got upset every time Sam would leave the room.

Aunt Amanda and Uncle Wayne came through for a visit on their way back home from vacationing in Virginia Beach. It's nice to have some family in NC!

April 9, 2008

March Recap

March was a very busy month for us...
We had a few visitors, crossed a couple of milestones,
and ventured to Georgia for the first time with Sam.

Sam has started to interact with toys. This is his turtle friend, Sheldon. He was created by our dear friend Amber and given to us before she knew Sam was on the way. Amber and her husband are currently serving the Lord overseas. Sheldon reminds us to pray for them and their ministry.

Aunt Amanda and Uncle Wayne came over for a Saturday visit.

Sam has started to eat his fingers--they are always in his mouth now. Sometimes he sticks his whole hand in his mouth...then, of course, gags himself.

At his two month Dr's appointment, Sam got his first shots.
It was a pitiful sight--both Sam and I were in tears.
Thankfully, Sam was a trooper and quickly settled down.
These are the battle wounds.

For my birthday, Scott planned a Saturday morning adventure. We went to an area of downtown Raleigh we had never been, chatted over Chai tea at a local coffee shop, walked around Five-points, took a stroll through and ate lunch in Pullen Park. It was so nice to simply be with my family. With all that Scott is balancing right now, I appreciated our time together more than ever.

Jamie and Melissa came to visit over Melissa's spring break. They do not have children yet, so I had a talk with Sam about being on his best behavior. We didn't want to scare Jamie off from having kids... Sam was pretty good, and Jamie was wonderful with Sam! Of course, Sam was happy to see his "Auntie M" again.

My mom, "Gigi," flew up to spend Easter weekend with us.
After Easter service, she rode with Sam and I to Georgia. It was a huge help having someone else in the car for Sam's first road trip. Overall, he did good!

On the way to my hometown, we stopped to visit with Scott's parents.
They conveniently live in a subdivision right off of the highway.
Sam was excited to see his "Papa K" and "Khaki" again.

So many new faces...
Sam met a lot of family for the first time during our time in Georgia.
My dad and I drove down to Statesboro for my brother, Jonathan to meet Sam.
Sam had been eagerly awaiting meeting his "Uncle Jon".
I think they hit it off well!

Sam also got to meet his Great-Grandparents, Papaw and Grandma Sue...

his Aunt Erin and Uncle Kenny...

our dear friends, Tripp and Elizabeth...

and spent more time with his Pops and Gigi!

One of the main reasons why we went to Georgia was to celebrate my friend Sarah's wedding day! She was a gorgeous bride...and she had a handsome groom. It was a sweet ceremony on a beautiful sunny day in the middle of a Pecan Orchard.

I was thankful to be a part of such a special time in Sarah's life.
I can't believe she's a married woman now!!!

Hopefully, I will be better at updating more often.
That way you won't have to read a novel next time!
Happy Spring!