May 25, 2010

Remembering the little things

I have been accused before of being overly sentimental. It's true-I can be. But, when it comes to children, can you be too sentimental? Just yesterday as I was cleaning up around the house, I was reminded of how horrible I've been lately with recording all the kids' latest and greatest. Everyone knows how quickly time flies and how swiftly children change, but I also know how clumsy my memory is. I don't want to forget how Sam says "kichen" for chicken and "catchet" for jacket. I don't want to forget how he laughs and says "that funny mama". I don't want to forget Cole's look when he gets caught eating his toes or the sweet way he holds my face when we lay side by side. Oh, how i treasure these little things!
Thank you, Lord, for my children! I love them so much...
and to think that You love them even more.

May 1, 2010

Cole at 5 months

Cole is already five months old!
Here are some of his latest and greatest:
  • He is still the most content and happy baby I've ever met. What a blessing that he is MY son!
  • Cole is now refusing to take bottles. That little stinker is mommy-dependent, so mommy doesn't go too far for too long. I keep thinking, "it's just for a season."
  • He is officially a thumb-sucker! He found it pretty early on, and is now attached.
  • He found his toes about two weeks ago. I forget about these fun little milestones.
  • He's a big boy (compared to Sam)-now wearing 6-9 month clothes.
  • I have been soaking in more sweet moments than i did with Sam, knowing how fast these little guys grow. My favorite is after his last feeding at night, he falls asleep in my arms. We linger together before i put him in his crib.
  • No one can make him laugh like his big matter how hard i try.
Sam continues to grow and change as well. However, he is still just as silly! He is in the midst of the "terrible two's," trying to prove that the stereotype is every bit real. It's wearing us out--extremely sanctifying! He continues to love music (playing his guitar, his drums, and singing...i love to hear him sing). I've learned over the last few months that he has a very serious shy streak. When he enters an unfamiliar environment, his little body gets paralyzed. I used to think he was being defiant, but now I am trying to offer patience. How could i forget, Sam is now wearing big boy underpants! I didn't know if we'd make it through the week of potty training, but we survived...barely. Sam also eats up every minute his daddy is home...mommy's boy turned daddy's boy? Nah!
I love that he loves to read his Bibles...
The following is a video of Sam and Cole having some brother time. The second video is for laughs...