December 19, 2008

An 11 Month-Old's Source of Entertainment

Earlier this week, we received a package in the mail.  It was a LANDS' END box from Scott's parents--a Christmas gift for me.  However, Sam thought the BOX was the present, a present for him!  He pushed it all over our home and played with it 
for at least 45 minutes.  
"Hey, is this for me?!?"
"What exactly is it?  A chair?"  

"A bed?"  
"A Stair-master?"
"Oh, I know...a surfboard?"  

This is where the fun ended.  I let him stand up on it for a second (for the sake of a picture), but then got him down and told him no...once, twice, and then had to take it away.  Thanks Papa K & Khaki for sending some entertainment our way!  (By the way, I'm excited about what was IN the box too!)

December 17, 2008


Sam has had a cold on and off for a couple of months now.  However, this one is lasting longer and seems to be worse than the others.  I took him to the doctor this morning to make sure it wasn't something more--nope, just a cold.  Because his poor little nose is constantly getting either rubbed or wiped, it's turning red...kind of like a reindeer we know!Doesn't it make you want to kiss it and make it all better?

December 16, 2008

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

We are celebrating Christmas all month long...  The first weekend in December we took a quick trip to GA for Scott's brother Matt's surprise birthday party (the big 4-0!).  We were able to get in some quality time with the Moody side of the family, and Sam had fun opening Christmas presents early.  He is still learning how to rip paper off boxes--his favorite part is trying to eat the paper.  Go figure?  Unfortunately, I didn't get any pictures of Scott with his brother or his brother's family...sad!  Seems a little ironic since they were the whole reason we traveled--I'll do better next time.

Sam & Cherokee (Scott's sister's dog) became pals...  
Davis & Sarah Kate watched Sam open his present from them...
He really enjoyed playing with his cousins.
It worked out for us to stay with Melissa & Jamie.  They live close to Scott's brother and had extra room for the three of us.  "Auntie M" didn't mind loving on Sam again!
This past weekend, my dad and his girlfriend, Penny, came for a visit.  We had a great time relaxing and catching up.  Of course, we had a mini Christmas with them too.  Pops was proud of his gifts to Sam: a Penn State football and a baby Nittany Lion named "Joe".  Yep, my Dad is a Penn State fan and wants to make sure his grandson gets exposed to more than Georgia football.  Penny was thoughtful with her gifts too, but once again, I did not get any pictures of her.  Ugh!  Sam had a blast with Pops and Penny!  He even started mimicking my dad--when he claps now, he also screams with excitement.  (Pops is not known for a quiet demeanor...)  

Scott's birthday is the 19th, so my dad went ahead and gave him his card.  Pops is known for his interesting choice of cards--they're always hysterical.
Look at this cute bottom...
This is a Christmas outfit that Penny gave sam.  It's precious!
We took Sam on a wagon ride--he didn't let go of his new football the whole time.
My mom and brother will be arriving next Tuesday to spend Christmas with us.  I am thankful that we have been able to see so much family this month, but I want to be careful not to get so consumed with the preparations that I don't take the time to reflect on our Savior's birth.  
The Word became flesh...for us!

December 2, 2008


It's that time of year when days seem to go by faster and faster.  Fall quickly ushers in winter, then Christmas arrives, and the new year is here before you know it.  I am trying really hard to slow things down a bit, at least for our family.  Last week, I vowed to Scott that I would not make any commitments or plans outside our daily routine.  It was wonderful!  Every evening was "family night" and oh so restful!  When Scott gets home from work, we enjoy time together with Sam.  Sam likes for his daddy to give him a bath, and sometimes give him his last bottle.  (Mommy likes it when daddy even changes his last diaper too!)  Then, when little man lays his head down to sleep, we try to scurry around before Mr. Sandman catches us.  With Scott's semester winding down, he's been knocking out his last assignments.  And I have been indulging myself in creativity--what fun!

This year, we were not able to travel for Thanksgiving.  Although we missed seeing family, we had a wonderful day...  It began early and frigid.  We all bundled up and participated in a local 5K, "The Gobbler's Run".  Scott ran it with two of his buds while Sam and I strolled it together.  It was Sam's first race, and he did great!    

 The rest of the morning was spent relaxing and watching the infamous parade on TV.  Later in the afternoon, we headed over to our friends' house where three other families were gathering. We had a spread for dinner, and stuffed ourselves silly.  It was a sweet time of sharing gratitude for what our good God had done in our lives--we had so much to be thankful for!  

Lately, Sam's little personality has been coming out.  He makes us laugh all the time!  Here are a few random shots of him simply being himself:

Gigi sent us a package and Sam enjoyed the box.
Sam likes his new Christmas books...thank you Gigi!

This is my view these days.  Now that Sam pulls up on everything, he's constantly on my leg.  Even though it's limiting when you are trying to get things done around the house, once his little face looks up at you, nothing else seems to matter.
Fun times after a bath...
(In the second picture, you can see all four of his teeth.  
The fourth one finally broke through the gum last week.)