November 24, 2009

Thanksgiving baby?

At my Dr's appointment yesterday, I was given the option of the midwife breaking my water (and hoping that my body kicked in) or continue to wait. I asked her what she would advise her own daughter if she was in this situation, and she said wait. Thus, we decided to wait some more and see if Cole comes on his own this next week. This little turkey just might be a Thanksgiving baby! There is so much learning in the waiting process...

November 21, 2009

We greet Cole's due date

Who would of thought that we would actually get to Cole's due date? Not us, that's for sure. We owe everyone an explanation after this weeks mishap: Monday, I went to my 39 week Dr's appt. and I was 5 cm dilated. The Dr. asked if I was "ready to have this baby," and of course I said yes. I had no idea that she would come back in the room with hospital orders for an induction the next morning. When she did, I asked more about the induction process and felt ok about what I thought I understood. Well... Tuesday morning rolled around and we found ourselves admitted in the hospital, me in my hospital gown, and nurses about to do things I had no idea would take place. There were some pretty significant misunderstandings--ones that Scott and I did not feel at peace with. Thankfully, a very kind nurse and the midwife from my practice became our advocates to go back home and wait. Whew! I was so relieved (and humiliated). I changed back into my clothes and walked out of the hospital just a couple hours after we walked in. It never felt better! So, the waiting continues, but we are ok with that. We learned a lot through this silly experience. God is so good, in spite of our foolishness! I go back to the Dr's office Monday morning if we aren't in the hospital by then. Thanks for your prayers.

November 12, 2009

38 Weeks and counting...

At the Dr's this past Monday, I was a whopping 4 cm dilated! The Dr was surprised that i wasn't feeling any more pain that I have been. She was willing to set up an induction, but I really want my body to kick in on its own. So...we'll just keep waiting. I still have a week before my actual due date arrives. My only worry is the size of this baby boy. Sam was almost 8 lbs. and he came two weeks early. Eek! Hopefully, you'll see pictures of our new addition very soon!

November 3, 2009

37 Weeks

I am now 37 weeks prego. At my Dr's appointment yesterday, I was 75% effaced and still a "good" 3 cm dilated. I've been having contractions on and off for a while, but nothing consistent. The end of this pregnancy has been so different than my pregnancy with Sam. I confess that I am becoming a little uncomfortable and so very ready to hold Cole in my arms rather than in my tummy! This is a picture Aunt Amanda took of me this past weekend at the beach. Cole has dropped quite a bit...

Fall Fun...

This family loves the fall! This year, however, it has been a little different being in MB. The air is not cool and crisp, and there is no changing of colors on the trees. We even tried to find a pumpkin patch nearby to take Sam, but our experience was quite hilarious. It made us miss our favorite Vollmer Farm back in NC. (Scott said we could take a trip to NC next fall just for the pumpkin patch--I'm gonna hold him to it!) Here's the "pumpkin patch" where we picked a pumpkin out from a cardboard box. Sam was more interested in picking the price stickers off than actually picking out a pumpkin...
We had a messy but fun time carving our pumpkin. Sam needed a haircut, so i had this hair-brain idea to give him a ice-pop as a distraction while I cut his hair. Needless to say, he ended up sticky and "hairy". That's when we decided to go ahead and carve the pumpkin, knowing it was going to be just as messy. By the end of it all, we had a little boy covered in red pop-ice juice, hair, and pumpkin goo. He didn't seem to mind too much.
Sam dressed up like a dragon this year. Gigi bought him this costume when she was here visiting last month. He was the cutest dragon you ever did see...
Uncle Wayne and Aunt Amanda came for a quick visit this weekend. It was nice to have an extra hand with Sam. We took him to a little Fall Festival at a church in the country. A friend that i met at library storytime told us about it, so we decided to check it out. Sam had a good time getting candy from the trunk-or-treat, but his favorite activity was pinning the nose on the pumpkin. It was perfect for his age. I think he did it about five times.
Of course, you can't come to MB and not see the beach...