December 29, 2009

Cole's First Month

My precious baby boy is a true joy--worth every single minute of the wait! Cole has been an incredibly "easy" baby. Of course he has his needy moments, but compared to Sam's first weeks, having him around is a breeze. He eats well and sleeps well. Cole has a gentle disposition. He's so quiet, it's easy to forget he's in the room. I am being spoiled with all the snuggling I get to do. I better get it all in now before he starts squirming around like Sam. Funny how much bigger Sam seems to me now that I have a newborn to compare him with. Crazy how much children grow in a short amount of time.

It's hard to believe that Cole is already a month old. It's been a busy month for him...and for us. Here is a glimpse:

As a result of the H1N1 Flu, hospital regulations kept Sam from coming to visit us when Cole was born. The first time Sam met him was the day we came home. At first, he was dumb-founded. He didn't know what to think. After a couple of days, Sam just ignored Cole throughout the day. He eventually warmed up to the idea of having a little brother and now wants to know where he is when he wakes up and kiss him goodnight when he goes to bed. Jealousy definitely still raises its head from time to time.
Papa K and Khaki proud of their 6th grandchild.

Gigi was able to stay for another week after Cole arrived. We appreciated the help, and Sam especially enjoyed having her around to give him some much needed attention.

After my mom left, Pops stayed with us for a week.
Pops is already introducing Cole to sports, hunting, and fishing.
As you can tell, Sam loves his "Bops"!

When Cole was 2 1/2 weeks old, our family of four traveled back up to Wake Forest, NC for Scott's seminary graduation. We were able to stay with our friends Paul and Amy (Kai and Melia). It was a full house--full of kids, laughter, and fun! The weekend was refreshing, full of celebration and sweet fellowship with dear friends. I am so proud of Scott's diligence and discipline to finish strong, for i know that he has had to balance a full plate at the same time. I tried to plan a surprise birthday party while we were there too. My hubby is now THIRTY! It was so wonderful to see old friends--made me miss NC a bit. Thank you to all who helped make the party a success.
A little surprise Paul left in the bathroom for Scott...
If you look close enough, you'll get a good laugh!

Sam trying on Daddy's hat.
Cole wearing Daddy's hat too.
The proud parents and wife of the graduate.
This is Scott with our friend Steve and their mentor, Dr. Bob Jones.

Amy and Melia... two gracious hostesses!

Mr. Paul teaching Sam how to play with play-dough.
Best Buds. Sam misses seeing Kai more often.
I miss seeing Kai's mommy more often too.

Scott's parents traveled to NC to see Scott graduate, then followed us back to MB to celebrate an early Christmas with us.

Khaki and Sam baked some gingerbread men together. Sam tried to eat all the dough and was covered with flour when it was all said and done--that's part of the fun, though. Right?
All the men hanging out on the couch. Sam thinks he is so big when he gets to hold baby brother.
Papa K and Khaki gave Sam the Little People Barn for Christmas--he loves it!

My mom and brother joined us for Christmas again this year. Sam couldn't get enough of Uncle Jon and Cole couldn't get enough of Gigi. We all had a great time simply hanging out together as we celebrated the promise God kept in sending us a Savior! Sam was sick on Christmas Day, so we stayed inside and in our PJ's all day--it was quite relaxing!

Since we stayed in our pj's all day on Christmas, I made everyone get dressed the next morning so we could take some family photos.

December 1, 2009

Welcome Baby Cole!

Cole Stephen Moody was born on November 30th at 12:06 pm. He's 7 lbs 12 oz and 19 3/4 inches long. Jessica did great. She went in labor at 10 and he was here by noon! Very quick delivery. We are thankful!!