October 26, 2009

36 Week Dr Appointment

Just a little FYI: Today at my 36 week check up, the Dr said I was 50% effaced and 2-3 cm dilated! I guess we are on our way to having another early baby! I'm sooooo excited to see our precious little addition!

October 18, 2009

Life in Myrtle Beach

We have been in MB for three months now. The transition went pretty smoothly, even for Sam. Scott and I are still learning our new weekly routine as he strives to balance work and his last Seminary class (taking online) with family and church planting responsibilities. It's a busy time, but we realize it's only about to get busier when our house has two little boys under its roof.
So far, we have had a few visitors. Pops and Penny came a couple of weeks after we moved. They helped stock the pantry and get things a little more organized. Of course, we made time for fun too...
Sam loves his Grandpops, or as he calls him "Bops"!
Bass Pro Shop offers entertainment.
Papa K and Khaki also came for a visit. We enjoyed exploring the MB State Park and finding a delicious seafood restaurant in Murrell's Inlet.
Papa K and Sam listening to live music at the farmer's market.
Gigi came for a visit too, but my camera ran out of batteries. I'll have to get some pictures from her camera soon.
The last photos are random ones of Sam simply being Sam...
Here he is ready for the first UGA game of the season with momma's flip flops on.
His first Krispy Kream donut. We were at a carnival.
Fun in the tub.
Trying to "help" daddy catch a fly.
Helping mommy in the kitchen. I think there was more batter on his clothes than in the bowl.

35 weeks Prego!

Many of you have been asking for pictures of my growing belly. Scott took a quick photo at 31 weeks (first picture) and again yesterday at 35 weeks (second picture). I have definitely expanded, and continue to do so!
We are so thankful to have found a wonderful practice of doctors here. At my appointment this past week, the doctor said that she thought our little guy has already dropped and is "in position"--head down. (I can tell because it seems like I have to potty ALL the time.) Although this doesn't mean anything necessarily as far as timing, it encouraged Scott and I to be a little more diligent in our preparations. Nesting has seriously set in!