December 22, 2007

Georgia Shower--Oct. 6th

What fun it was to celebrate the soon arrival of our baby boy with our Georgia friends and family! My aunts and cousin were the hostesses with the mostesses. They always know how to add their unique touch to make celebrations extra special. It was a treat to visit with familiar faces!

One of my favorite gifts was from mom's friend Elaine. She gave us an outfit that looks just like something Scott would wear. Like father like son. Everyone got in a good laugh.

Samuel got his first book about UGA and the Bulldogs! He's gotta learn early! Thank you uncle Wayne.

I was so thankful for everyone who came to the shower. Here is little Mary Mattalyn, Sam's cousin. She told me she couldn't wait for Sam to get here.


Ryan and Lori said...

It is about time you updated this blog woman!! I hope you are still feeling well. Samuel's arrival is coming very soon! I can't wait to see him. Love you friend!

Stephanie Perdue said...

Yippie! You updated!I guess it is easier since you are out of school

I love the pictures! You are adorable.