January 19, 2010

Sam is TWO!

So hard to believe that my baby boy is now two. We planned a party in Georgia but decided to nix our trip when Cole was in the hospital. Scott and I made sure he had a BIG day here in MB. Sam woke up to decorations and airplane pancakes (he loves airplanes).

Scott took him to "Wee Jump", an indoor playground, before lunch then brought him home for a big bubble bath to wash all the germs away.
When Sam woke up from his afternoon nap, we gave him a few gifts including a tricycle!
He was excited to get on it...
...but not excited to get off.
Our friends, Kevin and Kelly Hill (and Olivia), had us over for dinner to continue the celebration. It was a fun-filled day!


khaki said...

Hi ya'll,

We can't believe little man, Sam, is 2. Happy Birthday, Sam!! Looks like he had a great day, eating airplane pancakes and cake. Love his new wheels. Hope to see you all soon,

Love you all,

Khaki and Papa K


its wow i like it

Juliana Cupcakes said...


I'm Juliana, from Brazil. My son is making 2 yrs old on Second July, and we're thinking of what to do on his birthday, you gave me some ideas!
Your blog is beatiful, because of your love for your babies, that makes them look so beatiful!
Keep it up!
