I have been accused before of being overly sentimental. It's true-I can be. But, when it comes to children, can you be too sentimental? Just yesterday as I was cleaning up around the house, I was reminded of how horrible I've been lately with recording all the kids' latest and greatest. Everyone knows how quickly time flies and how swiftly children change, but I also know how clumsy my memory is. I don't want to forget how Sam says "kichen" for chicken and "catchet" for jacket. I don't want to forget how he laughs and says "that funny mama". I don't want to forget Cole's look when he gets caught eating his toes or the sweet way he holds my face when we lay side by side. Oh, how i treasure these little things!
Thank you, Lord, for my children! I love them so much...
and to think that You love them even more.